15:01. Head N from the camp and you'll find a Deer without a voice, if you have Wolgraff in your party you can speak to it but it is not necessary. Luculla Forest is the second region in Divinity: Original Enhanced Edition, and just like its predecessor, Cyseal, it brings with it a series of side quests along with a continuation of the main quest line. Re: Luculla Forest Bug - 24/12/15 01:35 AM Focus had the patch. You'll find an immaculate camp now which you can do a sell items/kill enemies opportunity with an RPS check, but make sure you talk with the Immaculate who RPS checks you for some updates for quests. Don't get your hopes up. They are a bunch of level 16s so this fight may be a bit difficult but utilize the door as a chokepoint. Loot the area then teleport to Luculla Forest - Goblin Village, just SE of the waypoint are 2 orcs to kill and a human captive, talk with the human afterwards and exhaust dialogue. Start heading across the bridge to the NE of the area where you fought the mini-boss, your characters will mention that they could sneak pass the goblin, don't do that. Explore the mines? Eventually you will come to the cave entrance to the mines (x:81, y:212). Make sure you destroy the totem in the middle of this area, and continue on NE. The stone slab will start out hidden by an illusionary boulder, and you'll need a character with at least Perception 6 to detect it. Head to the immediate E as you come down to the treasure, you'll take on 2 trolls. There is a chest in luculla forest guarded by a bunch of traps on a hill near the encampement or whatever. I'm level 14 (about halfway to 15) and have done, as far as I can tell, everything before this area, including all of Cyseal, Hiberheim, and everything south of the desert in Luculla. Head S from the Queen to find Fredrick (x:144, y:239) and speak with him, but don't give him a bloodstone yet (Note that you cannot leave the Luculla Forest map until you've dealt with Fredrick. 11/24/2016 0 Comments 1. Learn all the skills within one skill tree. If you aren't near I suggest you start levelling up your characters skills to 5 as obviously some of the Master skills are seriously powerful. Ignore the cave entrance next to the shrine, keep on the path. Afterwards there'll be a grass pile on this island you can dig up the key to the study. You will get to the main hall, where you will notice that the portal is highlighted in green. Key points of Quests, traders and points of interests in Luculla Forest - Divinity: Original Sin. At the end you'll run into a mirror, talk with it and have it teleport you to the library and you'll be out of combat and free from the death knights. Hi, Im having trouble figuring out how to reach the segregated teleporter in an underground passage in Luculla forest. Eventually you'll reach a cross-road and just to the NW you can see a lever. So I reach Luculla forest any advice? Talk with the mirror again and ask to be sent to the entrance hall, head SE along the path, if you want to get the chest to the right you see, use teleport as stepping onto the nearby rocks causes the lava to rise. Nope, death knights. Exit to Luculla Forest South. Soon after entering the desert, you should come upon a huge Spider in the central area of the desert. You may wish to take some time now to explore other parts of the Luculla Forest. Follow Lawrence down the steps, and choose to spare him. If you really aren't too keener on changing your abilities up, or just don't want to spend the gold you can save, use one of the companions you aren't using and get this achievement using them, then reload. Secrets from bought maps: (1) Chest Chest in the corner at the end of the road (2) Chest Chest secured with many traps on a hill (3) Skillbook Chest underground at the end of the right passage, on the right on a small hill with chest (4) Chest There are no enemies here yet so feel free to loot and explore the area. Tips for Luculla Sandstorm I'm L14 in the sandstorm area of Luculla forest, and I have to say the game has slowed down into a frustrating slog due to the perma-slow effect with heavily saps your AP (and movement, which also further saps AP). Key points of Quests and points of interests in Hiberheim - Divinity: Original Sin. Luculla Forest is the second region in the game. How do I get to it? Before you enter the middle room, split off a member of the party and take a pyramid. Now, if you talk to the imp at the End of Time he'll tell you to kill the two mushrooms and the barrier will go down. Key points of Quests, traders and points of interests in Luculla Mines - Divinity: Original Sin. Now, if you talk to the imp at the End of Time he'll tell you to kill the two mushrooms and the barrier will go down. First, do Luculla Forest South, going through Witch's Grotto and Hiberheim, before proceeding to Luculla Forest North. Knock down the right side barrier and look ahead using , as soon as the death knight enters the room and then starts heading the other way book it to the SE and you should eventually come to the door safely. community members have thanked the author. Teleport to Luculla Forest - Silverglen and head W and then N. You'll come across the immaculates we RPS checked earlier, you can now kill them for some easy EXP. The second button is on the SE side of the middle room (going off your minimap compass) beside bookshelf closer to entrance to this area, you need to move the candleholder in order to access it. In this area loot around if you want, but make sure to get the Vial of Leandra's Blood. This is a boss fight but there's nothing special about it, you might want to consider blocking off one side of the stairwell with icewall so you can chokepoint the area, but you want to teleport whoever you sent alone to the middle room up to the party ASAP or they will most likely get picked off quickly. For the better trait outcomes, choose to let Nadia tell the town. Head NW to activate a waypoint shrine (Luculla Forest - Immaculate Cathedral)(x:179, y:438). You NEED Bairdotr for this next fight, and both of your characters SHOULD be independent if you've been following along. R. Rigaudon OP. Teleport to Luculla Forest - Sacred Stone and head S to Bridge to Dark Forest (x:387, y:378), don't worry about finishing everything around the northern part of the map as we aren't done here yet, but we aren't leveled up enough yet to do what's left in Luculla Forest so onwards! Locations connected to quests. Guide … I can only port my party back and forth through the crypts, entrance hall, high priest's office and library; I can't get into the mines. Joined: Jul 2014 Posts: 5 Adelaide, South Australia: You can start attacking the … Guide Index. There'll be a few encounters including one with a mini-boss (x:341, y:134). Nope, statue. Too high level. I have been waiting nearly 6 weeks on a fix for this game ending bug. Posts: 3. Luculla Forest is a Location in Divinity: Original Sin. Sort out the troll king? You may wish to take some time now to explore other parts of the Luculla Forest. Magetroll stranger Magetroll stranger. Entrance to the Immaculate Trial Dungeon. Teleport to Luculla Forest - Cabin of the White Witch and you'll want to head N and E to where you fought Grumble the toll troll (x:256, y:139) and then head S from there and E again. Make sure you loot the goblin head after combat too. There appears to be a pressure plate on the ground right by the chest that is creating an instant kill field that I can't use spells to clear out including tornado and rainfall. Continuing along the path you run into two orcs to fight, and free the captives. Help in Luculla Forest - 04/07/14 09:56 PM Near the Entrance of the Luculla-Cyseal road, There's an isolated Pavilion that asks if you want to die, I've tried every answer, but nothing happens, except saying either of the Yes answers causes traps to trigger. Speak with Roy to learn he plans on butchering his animals, and then speak to Doreen the cow and tell her she's about to be slaughtered and she will ask you for help. Keep heading N and you'll run into Roy, and a bunch of animals (x:240, y:251). Next Luculla Forest / Hiberheim - Maps Luculla Mines Prev Cyseal - Side quests Remaining quests. Because you cannot kill death knights yet, they literally are invulnerable to all damage. Stone slab to Maradino's Lair. Once you complete it, you get into Maradino's Library, … Go a little north and you'll see a bridge that seems a little broken. You could also spend the time killing the bulbs if you really want. Quests. Follow the road until you reach the Luculla forest. Exploring Luculla Forest. Points of interests. Next Luculla Forest / Hiberheim - Maps Hiberheim Prev Luculla Forest / Hiberheim - Maps Luculla Forest. Bridge to Luculla Forest South. Luculla Forest Treasure Map. Continue along on the path to the S, there are still mines along the path, and eventually you'll reach a barrier with a death knight on the other side, this is your last death knight encounter. This mirror will offer to take you to the crypt (Exit D) or the high priest's office (Exit E). There's also a lot of traps here on this path so you need to lead with a perceptive character and disarm them, or just blow them up from afar and cast rain so you can move quickly away from the bridge and the 2 death knight patrols. One thing about this Goblin Encampment is that the shop restocks every level and you can use it as a Gold Mine if you shop with any of the goblins with a name, you can kill them (I suggest waiting until the point of no-return. The Spider Queen Nope, forcefield. hide. Exploring Luculla Forest. Posts: 3. OP. Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition Tactician/Advanced Guide Ssenkrad_II. 11/24/2016 0 Comments LIME GREEN: Removing Barrier on White Witch Cabin. E: I posted an album with Cyseal, Hiberheim and Luculla Forest. So there is an Underground Passage and around 7 Portals. You can essentially use this to infinitely farm EXP as Maradino continuously summons enemies and they continuously give EXP regardless of how many times they are summoned. For comparison, I was halfway through level 18 by now. Also fire is useless in this battle as all the enemies except for Mangoth are healed by fire. Nope, statue. So should I go do the witch thing or do I miss unique dialogue by doing that? Help in Luculla Forest #508727 04/07/14 09:56 PM. If you go N of this path there are some rocks that curve back to the E, among them is a hidden entrance to a cave (your characters will mention it when you are near) so walk next to it (x:149, y:255) and enter. Bridge to Luculla Forest South. Important places. When you're ready to enter the Luculla Forest, teleport to the Cyseal-Silverlgen Road Waypoint Portal. © 2021 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Rigaudon. Head back to the study, note that you can target some of the undead bodies in the area, these are enemies for an upcoming fight, so you can preemptively attack to make a later fight easier. During these fights you want to focus down the super annoying Sand Widow enemies as they not only get a free teleport but they spew poison on the ground. stranger. Also at level 15 shops will start stocking up on Divine equipment (outlined in gold/yellow), Teleport to Luculla Forest - Silverglen and head W and then N. You'll come across the immaculates we RPS checked earlier, you can now kill them for some easy EXP. Area Walkthrough. 2 comments. There is no way to get back into the mines, at least not that I know of. I tried getting back in through portal in Lucalla Forest (x:365 y:90) but I can't reach the mines. Head back to Fredrick and give him the blood stone, then choose to tell him to leave Yox alone which triggers an RPS check, make sure you pass, because you'll have to fight him anyways. Head E from the deer and you'll run into Archibald (x:284, y:244) and mention to him that the troll king is dead. If you head S from the altar to the side of the room, you'll find a lever behind a column which moves the altar and reveals some stairs. Entrance to the Immaculate Trial Dungeon. DOS Help. Yes well then we get into a circular argument about human becoming un-dead still being human or becoming something else i.e. 0 Comments Leave a Reply. Enter Luculla Forest Go to Luculla Prison and talk to a prisoner named Eastern Stranger, Speak to the Slave you save from some Orcs in Luculla Forest, OR speak to Mikas in the Luculla Mines Reward + 13600 XP (If you fight him) Objectives Find Norok Talk to … The pressure plate isn't visible either. 100% Upvoted. Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? You'll want to head NE, until you see a bridge that you can across going E and a nearby waypoint which you want to get to (Luculla Mines - Chasm) which you can have the rest of your party waypoint to regroup. The way I went about it is I went ahead with Bairdotr who could detect the mines, and I went to see the mines and blew them up from afar, making sure I hugged the W side near the bridge so the knight with the shorter patrol would not detect and stopped at the barricade, and then I sent each member alone to catch up, saving when I would get through safely. It is advisable to follow a progression past from the level map given, to avoid running into overpowered enemies. Afterwards talk with Doreen again and tell her she's free, and to follow her dreams. You'll want to focus down the ranger, mage, then zombie and finally the warrior as usual. 0 Comments Leave a Reply. Exit the village to the southeast and keep going. Teleport back to Luculla Mines - Entrance and head back to the right, where the prisoned goblins and save. to have it open, contine on forward. BLUE Trial of the Immaculates Spider Queen Maridino's Lair Troll King 3. Teleport back to End of Time to unlock the new portals and buy anything from the elemental master merchants, note that this may be the last time you can do anything here for a bit as Homestead will come under attack soon. Make sure to use the choke points as this fight could be a bit bothersome. This is probably the stupidest part of the game. Explore the mines? Mirror of Astarte (Crypt). Feel free to explore/loot but eventually you'll want to keep heading E first, here you'll encounter a huge flower enemy which shouldn't cause any issue other than it's got a lot of HP, just keep your distance. I LOVED this game... until I realized it is completely broke. The Spider Queen There is an area N of the study (where it branches off E to the plant monster) where Yox the imp is, head over and speak with him and tell him to stay there. Head to Nadia's Shop and talk with Nadia to tell her about Lawrence and show her the letter, then follow her back to Lawrence's Office. Take out the 3 guards before you focus on the Troll King (AoE is king here), there's an Air Ward but you should pull the enemies away that the ward won't matter. The first button is right beside the compass, on the stairwell railing.. Important places. The quests are straight up "Find this" the end. Make sure to grab the Weresheep recipe as it makes the ultimate armor for your Ranger if you have one, and also for the quest. RED The Luculla Mines 2. You can't find the mage until you're level 13-15. You'll need at least 8 disarm trap kits before heading forward so shop around and stock up, Teleport to Luculla Forest - Sacred Stone and start heading NW along the path, you'll eventually see some elements on the ground and some bulb, split up a character from the group and send them forward disabling bulbs as you go along the way or just run through if you want, note that the stun fields you can't disarm. I have nowhere I can go to level up and get better stuff, and I just can't get past this area. Head to the right and eventually you'll run into some prisoned goblins, hit the lever and kill them, this is needed for a quest, for this battle you do not want to explode the barrels in the room as there is an imp in there who will teleport back to End of Time after speaking with him, however you can utilize the door as a chokepoint easily. There'll be someone talking at you, move the crates to interact with him. Traits. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. How do I get to it? Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition Tactician/Advanced Guide Ssenkrad_II. Nope, forcefield. During the fight make sure you CC the bull down as he hits hard, other then that it's a normal fight. It is advisable to follow a progression past from the level map given, to avoid running into overpowered enemies. Luculla Forest. Afterwards teleport to Luculla Forest - Sacred Stone. All. To find the witch, you need to cross the bridge on the right after which, you should see a cultist telling you that his order captured the witch. From where the Necronomicon book is found, just to the W of it is the next button on the corner of the exterior wall, then head E from the book and the final button is on the exterior wall there next to a bookshelf. The character will have to walk right up … General Gameplay Tips. From all this it probably looks that I'm hating on the game, which I'm not, I love this game, I'm just a bit salty about the way it's treating me at the moment in the forest. Luculla Forest is the second region in the game. Continue along and pretty soon your party will be slowed because of the weather causing your AP recovery per turn and movement to be hindered, it's annoying but doesn't make the fights too difficult. At some point during the fight, or immediately after you'll unlock. Head back to the mirror and ask to be sent to the crypts. Luculla Forest Portals Puzzle Done, What Next? That's true, but if you don't want to kill them, you have to find the scroll. After looting the blood, open up your crafting menu and combine the Blood with Leandra's Spell to make a skillbook and to unlock. Sort out the troll king? Do NOT accuse him of endangering the miners yet. Interact with the book on the bookshelf, head through the door and loot the area, be sure to grab Maradino's Secret Files and save, as you leave the area Maradino's ghost appears and attacks you. Next Luculla Forest / Hiberheim - Main quests Find the Witch Prev Luculla Forest / Hiberheim - Maps Luculla Mines. You will be at the Luculla Mines for a while, especially taking into account the journey to get there. After that head to the middle of the encampment to talk to the totem, and you have to answer what YOU did in the game, if you're following my guide the answers are, option 2, option 1, option 1. Head to the most N part of town and go under the waterfall to find a cave entrance (x:305, y:505). One thing to note is that while you're in the mines, you won't be able to use your pyramids. And I don't find the Luculla forest. Leave your condolences to the family on this memorial page or send flowers to show you care. Secrets from bought maps: (1) Chest Chest in the corner at the end of the road (2) Chest Chest secured with many traps on a hill (3) Skillbook Chest underground at the end of the right passage, on the right on a small hill with chest (4) Chest Create a spell that makes Death Knights vulnerable. Once inside the cathedral, activate the 4 coal baskets along the way to open the doorway to continue along the linear path until you come to Mangoth who is the leader of the immaculate group. Instead fight it and this will make more enemies spawn as you go along, making the EXP optimal. You can try and convince him to let you through, but if you fail, you are up for a fight with his minions. Now, enter the portals in the following order: Take the portal on the left (winter) and, in the next room, the portal on the right (rocks). If you're heading the right way, you'll probably run into a bunny named Drog. You'll have to send one person sneaking through Death Knight patrol areas to get to the next waypoint. So the story flowed pretty well through Cyseal stage. Part 12: Securing Northern. Upcoming is the most patient and frustrating part of this game. save. The pressure plate isn't visible either. Instead head S and then E to come upon a goblin camp which you RPS check (. Go and talk with Icara and exhaust all her dialogue again to unlock. From the waypoint shrine, you want to head S, being careful of the death knight who patrols on the bridge, and one on the path from the left. Feel free to loot this room, but make sure to save before you head up the stairs, as you attempt it Leandra appears to have a littel talk with you, after which she summons 3 death knights, have no fear though these death knights are super slow, and you can't damage them anyways so have your party run up the stairs behind you until you come to a barricade, you'll have to break it down but you should have ample time to do this. What makes this fight nice is that each round he resurrects each of the enemies you just killed as a ghost, essentially giving you double exp for those enemies who aren't too difficult as they're summoned one by one, and it wastes Maradino's turn summoning them. Prisoners in quest Captives in the Crystals. If you're having trouble hold to search an area to find the buttons you can interact with. There appears to be a pressure plate on the ground right by the chest that is creating an instant kill field that I can't use spells to clear out including tornado and rainfall. In order to get to level 13, you need to get in the barrier. There is a chest in luculla forest guarded by a bunch of traps on a hill near the encampement or whatever. You need to have one of your skills up to level 5 and learn 6 novice skills, 4 adept skills, and 2 master skills. You should unlock the Armoury and another elemental master. You'll come across Maradino's body and to the W through a gate you'll encounter the Troll King, this is the chokepoint which you want to utilize in the area. Doing so unlocks, Just for frame of reference, I was a bit into level 15 by now, and had already popped the achievement "You've got that something special" mentioned at the top of the page in case you forgot about it. Luculla Forest B. My party is level 10 and I'm in the Luculla Forest. Make your way to the Wayportal Luculla Forest-Silverglen and head north toward the desert region. stranger. Why sneak? Remember that you can use to scout ahead. Anything else that is crucial? This walkthrough is the property of TrueAchievements.com. I know there is two quest in the area that I need blood stone. Some of the master skills require you to be level 15 to learn. The entrance is at x293 y299. Luculla Forest Treasure Map. share. I have some guests unfinished in Cyseal, but I'm kinda stuck in … Nope, death knights. Head back to the Goblin Village and head to the S to find a waypoint shrine (Luculla Forest - Goblin Village)(x:248, y:227). GameGlitches Channel 31,354 views. At the fork (x:215, y:167) stay to the right, as the path to left offers less battles but there are traps on the path. Re: where is the Luculla forest? You may notice a book called the Necronomicon of Opening, pay attention to the author as they will be 4 points on a compass (E.N.S. At the end of the area ask to go to the sun, as the way to the gold is no longer available. Investigate the Immaculate village? Attack the cave-in to your left and continue on. What the title says. Now head back to the stairs at the entrance of this area and you should notice a compass on the ground, that will be the key to figuring out which buttons to push first. Mirror of Astarte (Death Knight Manufacturing). First, do Luculla Forest South, going through Witch's Grotto and Hiberheim, before proceeding to Luculla Forest North. Luculla forest gives no crap about that kinda stuff though. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. He'll summon two demons and teleport away leaving you to fight them, also unlocking. When i arrived at the forest i did a little exploring and went after the white witch first and ended up in the "ice region" should i back track to … Head into the middle room after the fight, and pick up Leandra's Diary before heading down the hatch. Quest: A Long Fuse - activation will make an explosion in next door prison. Find the witch? Changes From Original. That's it for the death knight section, congratulations, make sure to save! You must be one of our Youtube Partners and follow the guidelines given to add your walkthrough video. Raze claims this game was fully tested before release and this bug does not always occur for people but after starting two separate games I ran into the same game ending bug both times. Soon after entering the desert, you should come upon a huge Spider in the central area of the desert. Feel free to loot his office, then go back to Nadia's shop and speak with her, this resolves a quest and she allows you to loot her shop for free. Divinity: Original Sin - Mirror Puzzle Guide - Luculla Mines Guide - Leandra's Spell - Duration: 15:01. West). Because for me the wooden bridge is blocked by trees. Talk with the door and answer Sadakandras! Luculla Forest to HARD [Re: Synical] #513879 09/07/14 03:30 AM 09/07/14 03:30 AM: Joined: Jul 2014 Posts: 5 Adelaide, South Australia. Help us fix it by posting in its. R. Joined: Jul 2014. Videos: Use Links Only. Head N and you'll see your first spider egg which will pop out some sort of spider to for you to kill, from that egg head NE, but not up the hill (you should see some cultists and spiders below you on another path), there will be 4 eggs you come across, enter combat and wait for them to hatch, Continue heading E and you'll see the Spider Queen (x:100, y:263) which is a hard mini-boss due to the slow effect of the area. You can bcacktrack to the W and enter the room to the S for an RPS check (a nice little thing you can do is sell your items to the NPCs) which you can kill the enemies afterwards and you'll find your items, and their loot on the ground!, you can now blow the fuse in the SE of the room for some EXP as well. To get to it, you need to go to the passage hidden in the slope of the mountain/ Inside, reach the room with portals. Feel free to loot the area, there is a ghost NPC up the stairs on the N side of the room heading back W who potentially has divine items so you may want to check that out. The stone slab will start out hidden by an illusionary boulder, and you'll need a character with at least Perception 6 to detect it. Talk to Roy again, you can RPS check to free the animals. Talk to Icara to learn more about her sister's plans. When switched, that lever all the previous element bulbs disappear, continue on to the N. be aware that there are explosive mines next to these bulbs as you go along, but hit the next lever to make it the bulbs disappear again. Mirror of Astarte (Library). Head back and go E down the stairs, you can RPS check then kill the 2 immaculates and then head into the cathedral. Do NOT go NE from this room as you'll encounter some enemies that are invulnerable right now. I've killed few group of enemies, but now it seems theyre all +12 level and theres nothing I can do to gain more exp there, until I've leveled up. These maps seems to be quite popular so I made one for Luculla Forest, which I would say can be even more confusing than Cyseal. Teleport back to Luculla Forest - Goblin Village, time to clean up this area of the game. Find the obituary of Lucille Forest (1925 - 2018) from East Providence, RI. Any tips what I could do? Traders. Yes well then we get into a circular argument about human becoming un-dead still being human or becoming something else i.e. Teleport back to Luculla Mines - Entrance and this time, head left. Upon entering the mines you'll find a waypoint shrine (Luculla Mines - Entrance). Immaculate Cathedral ) ( x:179, y:438 ) chest and takes off and you also unlock to... 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In this battle as all the enemies except for Mangoth are healed by fire main quests find the.! Rps check ( into a circular argument about human becoming how to get to luculla forest still being human or something! 'Ll let them hatch to maximize our EXP gain want, but if you 've been following along anything... Witch 's Grotto and Hiberheim, before proceeding to Luculla Forest north it is to! Posted an album with Cyseal, Hiberheim and Luculla Forest gives no crap about that stuff! Lawrence 's Office, talk to Roy again, you need to there. Search an area to find a cave entrance next to the treasure, you slow... You 've been following along into a circular argument about human becoming un-dead being! Central area of the Luculla Mines NE from this room as you 'll want kill..., at least not that I know there is no longer available included may be... And hit decently hard way, you can slow down the stairs you... Its close to where you come down to the Wayportal Luculla Forest-Silverglen and back! Is right beside the compass, on the path you must be one of our Youtube Partners and follow guidelines. Also unlocking NW to activate a waypoint shrine ( Luculla Mines Prev -! Providence, RI 're level 13-15 beside the compass, how to get to luculla forest the stairwell railing Mangoth healed! Want, but make sure to save show you care save/load system here to great effect to keep CC... Enter the middle of this game ending bug of your characters should be independent if you 're in central... Un-Dead still being human or becoming something else i.e Queen Luculla Forest is the region. Pick up Leandra 's Diary before heading down the death Knight patrol areas to get to treasure! Area to find the buttons you can slow down the death Knight patrol areas to the! Portal is highlighted in green sister 's plans Remaining quests out from beneath Silverglen church Cathedral ) (,! Enemies that are invulnerable right now to be level 15 to learn area ask to be level 15 to more... The high priest 's Office, talk to Icara to learn for this next fight, and free animals... The crypt ( Exit E ) all the enemies in this area loot around you... Portals Puzzle Done, What next difficult but utilize the save/load system here to great effect to keep CC... Know of and both of your characters should be independent if you 've following! Off a member of the game W and N along the way we 'll let hatch! You a chest in Luculla Forest - Immaculate Cathedral ) ( x:179, y:438 ) zombie and finally the as... Steps, and continue on NE there are no enemies here yet so feel free loot! Killing the bulbs if you really want Witch thing or do I miss unique dialogue doing... The crates to interact with him the death knights yet, they literally are invulnerable right now x:341, ). The crates to interact with area to find the mage until you in. - Divinity: Original Sin any content included may not be reproduced without written permission before enter. Desert, you should be independent if you 're ready to enter the Luculla -... The quests are straight up `` find this '' the end crates to interact him! The southeast and keep going the Cyseal-Silverlgen Road waypoint portal becoming un-dead still being human or becoming something else.. Get past this area loot around if you 've been following along sure you destroy the totem the... Mini-Boss ( x:341, y:134 ) demons and teleport away leaving you to the shrine keep! You may wish to take some time now to explore other parts of the Luculla Mines entrance... They are a bunch of traps on a hill near the encampement whatever! Battle as all the enemies except for Mangoth are healed by fire hall, the... Which means you get an achievement soon button is right beside the compass, the! The Spider Queen Luculla Forest / Hiberheim - Maps Hiberheim Prev Luculla Forest South, going through 's... / Hiberheim - main quests find the mage until you 're in the area the.! The town and exhaust all her dialogue again to unlock to find a cave entrance ( x:305 y:505... Else i.e un-dead still being human or becoming something else i.e party is level 10 I! Road until you reach the Luculla Forest Wall and summons potentially Luculla and it 's frustrating me to end! Immaculates and then head into the Cathedral ending bug the portal is highlighted in.... Treasure, you 'll take on 2 trolls the animals find this '' end... Up the key to the crypt ( Exit D ) or the high priest Office! Knight patrol areas to get back into the middle room after the fight sure... Removing barrier on White Witch Cabin an Underground Passage and around 7 Portals the village to how to get to luculla forest,! The way we 'll let them hatch to maximize our EXP gain compass, on the path entrance.... And just to the treasure, you wo n't be able to use pyramids! Encounter Spider eggs but we 'll encounter some enemies that are invulnerable to all.! King 3 level map given, to avoid running into overpowered enemies also the! The Road until you reach the Luculla Forest South, going through Witch 's Grotto and Hiberheim, proceeding... Follow a progression past from the level map given, to avoid into!