Others yet are typically Italian, like our national holidays or the Epiphany. May 1: The first of May marks Labor Day, and one of the few holidays in Italy where almost all museums and shops in Italy are closed. It's usually celebrated around the third week of February. Update my browser now, If you’re in Italy in early March, you may notice yellow mimosa flowers, well, everywhere! December 8: This holy day and bank holiday commemorates the Immaculate Conception of Mary. The concept of basilica was invented in Italy during the Early Christian age, with the Old St. Peter’s Church being the first notable Christian basilica. August 15: This marks the official beginning of ferragosto, when Italians close up shop and, traditionally, head to the beach or mountains. November 1: Halloween is not widely celebrated in Italy, but November 1st is a national holiday known as Ognissanti (All Saint’s Day) that celebrates the lives of saints. If you can, head to Rome for this national holiday—that’s where you can enjoy the holiday’s huge, patriotic military parade. Although family-friendly events are par… But if you do have love on your mind, there are lots of romantic experiences to choose from in Italy, like a hot air balloon ride in Tuscany or a spending the night in a castle. Many extend the holiday to Labor Day on May 1, taking a vacation to enjoy the start of spring weather. Not only can you take advantage of special events that way, but sometimes, museums, stores and restaurants will close (especially on January 1, May 1 and December 25). The beaches of Sardegna, a popular destination for Italians over ferragosto. After all, gift-giving predates modern consumerism by millennia, and Italian shops and city centers have long traditions of decorating and making things for Christmas—even when things were more modest. The Byzantines kept the Roman architecture style intact with a slight … Throughout Florence, it is tradition for an old woman to deliver gifts to children on Epiphany Eve. Italy has a lot to celebrate—so it’s not surprising that there are a lot of Italian national holidays! June 2:  The Festa della Repubblica marks the birth and unification of the Italian Republic. Christmas in Italy kicks into high gear around the 8th of December each year. Here’s a gourmet tour through regional holiday recipes around Italy. Want to celebrate Easter like the Italians? The typical sweets of Carnevale are the castagnole or the frappe. National Day of Prayer May 06, 2021. The castagnole are a fried pastry typical of the Carnival in Italy Ph. Regardless of exactly when it falls, the week leading up to Easter Sunday attracts tourists from around the globe, especially to the Vatican, making it one of the most crowded (and potentially expensive) periods of the year for travel to Italy. The mother of all holy days is actually celebrated in Italy pretty much the same as it is in the U.S., with Christmas trees and the exchange of gifts. The focus is on having fun dressed as something or somebody else. Christmas and Ferragosto are the important holiday in Italy which are celebrated on 15th August. By Elda Rita Tessadori. Some of the most popular local festivities include April 25th in Venice (Saint Mark), June 24th in Florence, Genoa and Turin (St. John the Baptist), June 29th in Rome (Saints Peter and Paul), September 19th in Naples (Saint Gennaro) and December 7th in Milan (Saint Ambrogio). https://www.rachaelraymag.com/recipes/italian-christmas-recipes The Befana, like Santa Claus, is said to give sweets for the good and coal for the naughty kids. Christmas Day is celebrated with a large lunch with family and almost all museums, stores and restaurant are closed. Upcoming holidays in. Adding these little touches of Italian tradition to your New Year’s Eve party, would certainly lend a bit of Italian flavor to an American celebration. Carnevale (Mardi Gras/Carnevale, the two weeks before beginning of Lent). Since the Middle Ages, capon broth (called ‘ brodo al cappone ’ in Italian) has been a traditional dish of festivities in December to celebrate the winter solstice. If you are big on Santa Claus and your kids believe in magic and fairy tales, then this holiday is a perfect opportunity for combining American and Italian traditions. The day is a Public Holiday for the whole of Italy and is believed to be the day that Mary was proverbially reborn and saved by God that intervened in her life. Our website uses cookies to improve your user experience. Note when you travel that national holidays are public holidays when many workers have the day off and some tourism venues are closed. Your email address will not be published. It is marked by parties, parades, live performances of music and, most famously, masquerade balls. New Year’s Eve in Italy (by Konstanttin at depositphotos.com). Christmas markets, like the one in Rome, often remain open up until the Day of the Epiphany. Here are 6 food festivals in Italy that are just too delicious to miss. Easter: The date of this widely-celebrated religious holiday varies sometime between March and April, based on the Gregorian calendar. Epiphany is a public holiday. Others have been imported, like Halloween. If you can, head to. Everybody dresses up and children love it. Family life is a founding principle for Italians, so it should come as no surprise that the beginning of spring... All Saints Day. Every culture has it’s own set of New Year’s traditions. New Year’s Eve in Italy (by Konstanttin at depositphotos.com) As a follow-up to our previous article on the Italian holidays, let’s see how Italians like to celebrate them: you never know, some of their habits and traditions may be perfect to export to this side of the pond! Day of the Dead is well known as a holiday in Mexico, but Italians celebrate it too. One of the most known and requested traditions is the Carnival of Venice , usually celebrated between the first and last week of February. (Here’s where to learn all about Venice during Carnevale!). Luxury family holidays in Italy. Italy: Feast your way into the New Year. Here’s the calendar of the most important Italian national holidays… and how to celebrate them! Most Famous Italian Liquors: Do you Really Know Them All. On Easter Monday (called Pasquetta), the festivities continue with friends getting together and heading to a park or the countryside, usually for a picnic. (Here are five things you have to know about Easter in Italy!). Italians remember the end of World War II with the. You know witches? Overview of holidays and many observances in Italy during the year 2021 It is customary to put a surprise, such as a small toy, in the chocolate egg, much to the delight of the children who receive them. with loved ones.But customs also vary from city to city, from exactly which dishes are served, to when to open presents, making every region an interesting place to enjoy the holidays. The city of Ivrea is greatly known for the Battle of Oranges this should refer to Napoleone 's acts. Although the spirit and the tradition of these festivities are very different, Italians celebrate Mardi Gras/Carnevale just as Americans celebrate Halloween: they dress up. (Here are five things to know before traveling to Italy in August!). April 25: Italians remember the end of World War II with the Festa della Liberazione. January 6: The Epiphany, celebrated as a national holiday, marks the 12th and final day of Christmas. National Ice Cream Day July 18, 2021. If you’re planning to travel to Italy, knowing the calendar of holidays is important. December 8: This holy day and bank holiday commemorates the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Popular upcoming holidays you may be interested in. In Venice they celebrate Carnivale di Venezia, a two-week party in early spring. (That’s not something that has anything to do with the birth of Christ, by the way; it’s just the day when the Church decided that, in fact, Mary was born without the stain of original sin). The general rule with Italian cuisine is that if the food is grown in the area, it will be on the plate. And although culinary traditions are just as subject to change as any other aspect of culture, at Christmas the table boasts typical regional dishes, prepared just the way Nonna used to make. For a main course that simply tastes like Christmastime. Santo Stefano – December 26. They celebrate many more national holidays from the Christian religion than some other countries and therefore have more traditions for the holidays. Facts about Italian Culture 10: Italian holidays. Christmas, as it is celebrated in Italy, has two origins: the familiar traditions of Christianity blended with the pagan traditions predating the Christmas era. In the same way that children expect Santa Claus to stuff their stockings with presents, Italian children... Easter. Revelers wearing masks for Carnevale in Venice. Your email address will not be published. Carnevale in February. Byzantine architecture widely spread in Italy with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE. While there are carnival celebrations throughout Italy the most famous is in Venice. This treat alone could lend a different flavor to a traditional American Easter. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed. There is no “trick or treat” and horror theme, however. Italians celebrate most Christian holidays. These flowers are given to women in honor of la Festa delle Donne (International Women’s Day), which also comes with other perks for women—like, often, free entrance into some national museums and attractions. Belfana, an old lady who flies on her broomstick, delivers presents and goodies to good children, according to legend. Italians like to wear red underwear to start the year with good humor and fortune, but also throw away something old to symbolize the will of getting rid of all negativity associated with the year about to end. Prepare for Christmas like a real Italian with a fish dinner on la Vigilia (Christmas Eve), followed by midnight mass! Mardi Gras February 16, 2021. Here's how to have an Italian meal on Christmas Eve and New Year's... recipes and photos... What to know about Christmas in Venice, from Christmas markets to gift shopping to midnight... Christmas markets in Italy are one of our favorite parts of, well, Christmas in Italy! Italian chocolate eggs, complete with their small gift, can be found at some American supermarkets and at specialty Italian grocery stores. Christmas in Italy isn’t only the special day of December 25: throughout December and January there are a number of religious holidays … Christmas trees and gift-giving have long been staples of Italian Christmas, il Natale. Customs and traditions in Italy include the Lily Festival, Olive and Bruschetta Festival, swordfish hunts and other celebrations of food, wine, religion, history, the arts and agriculture. Here are 10 weird holiday traditions celebrated around the globe: A person dressed in costume for the races along the Grand Canal for the 'Befana' Regatta in Venice, Italy. Free Comic Book Day May 01, 2021. Walks of Italy, Via Caio Mario 14A, Rome, Italy, Update your browser to view this website correctly. The celebration of the Epiphany, celebrated on January 6, is much like Christmas. Yeah, I was just as baffled about this one as you might be. February 14: Valentine’s Day, better known as the “Festival of Lovers” in Italy, is not just known for love; its roots date back to the Roman empire! According to Italian traditions, it’s customary to eat lentils after the clock strikes 12:00. And that, my friends, is Italy’s beloved Befana. As a follow-up to our previous article on the Italian holidays, let’s see how Italians like to celebrate them: you never know, some of their habits and traditions may be perfect to export to this side of the pond! love you babes. Italy is a historically Catholic culture with many holidays, traditions and beliefs coming from biblical and religious roots. Italian culture is deeply rooted in the arts, family, architecture, music, and especially, the food.Italians enjoy relishing the savory flavors of all of their culinary traditions such as freshly picked vine tomatoes, delicious figs from Nonno’s fig tree, handmade pasta, perfectly cured meats, mouthwatering mozzarella, and strong shots of Italian coffee. Attending any one of these is a great way to experience Italian culture first-hand and make your vacation in Italy even more special. December 25: Christmas is a wonderful time to visit Italy, thanks in large part to the gorgeous decorations and festive atmosphere. And family holidays here allow you to explore all of this, whether you prefer to immerse yourselves in the many sights of the cities or relax on the beach. The way Italians celebrate Easter is not very different from the way it is celebrated by Americans, but Italians typically enjoy chocolate eggs and the colomba, an Easter cake similar to panettone, instead of chocolate Easter Bunnies, because rabbits are not part of the symbolism of Easter in Italian culture. Carnevale: Italians prepare for Lent (the 40 days of abstinence before Easter) by indulging in lots of sweet treats and throwing a lively party. v. Masks are worn throughout Carnivale, ranging from simple half-face masks to elaborate full-face masks called bauta. December in cities like Florence comes with perks, including Christmas markets! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. December 26: The day of Santo Stefano (Saint Stephen), the day after Christmas, is also a national holiday. It is amazing. Would love your thoughts, please comment. This celebratory day is known as The Feast of Immaculate Conception. Don’t try to shop with an Italian if you don’t like shopping because it will take a long time. Get curated Italy travel tips delivered to your inbox! (That’s not something that has anything to do with the birth of Christ, by the way; it’s just the day when the Church decided that, in fact, Mary was … Children can write letters to her requesting specific gifts. Italy holidays in 2022. Much like the Reyes Magos of Spain, and in a similar tradition to Santa Claus, La Befana comes on the night of January 5th (Epiphany Eve)to bring all the good little girls and good little boys of Italy ca… So much singing, Food everything I am going back to Italy next year and I’m going during Carnevale I hope it going to be fun, this is a smashing website, cant get enough. Rome for this national holiday—that’s where you can enjoy the holiday’s huge, patriotic military parade. Not only are... What to know about visiting Florence at Christmas and New... Be honest; how frequently do you happen upon an item in your home that you'd love to discard, but... Christmas is a major holiday in Italy… which means Italians celebrate lots of great,... Stay up to date with travel tips, local insights and all things Italy on our social channels! bye. Sicilians make ossa dei morti, hard cookies that replicate bones of the dead, and fave dei morti, or beans of the dead, fava bean-shaped cookies. (International Women’s Day), which also comes with other perks for women—like, often, free entrance into some national museums and attractions. Each region, city and town has its own holidays (often having to do with local saints), but there are a number of national holidays, too. Besides, Easter is also popular holiday in Italy. The most popular Italian destination for Carnival is undoubtably Venice for the lavish costumes and masks worn even a week before the celebration. Right, so, take that image, but smash it together with Christmas. guide to the most romantic experiences in Italy, five things you have to know about Easter in Italy, Discover more Christmas traditions with our guide. In the U.S., Mardi Gras has become popular as a celebration for adults, but you could throw a party for children to celebrate the day, especially if you have Italians or Europeans living in your neighborhood. Many of the most popular Italian holidays are shared with all the western world, think of Christmas or New Year’s Eve. Italian tradition is filled with festivals celebrating saints, holidays and important events in Italian history. The kind that fly on broomsticks, wear pointy hats. Across Italy, Natale tends to be a family-centric holiday, a time to stay at home (and eat!) These flowers are given to women in honor of. marks the birth and unification of the Italian Republic. Across the country, the coming of the new year brings some strange traditions, too, like throwing pots and pans out the window and eating cotechino (pork sausage) with lentils on New Year’s Day for good luck. The Pope’s Good Friday vigil in Rome, a popular event for those in Italy at Easter. What is an Italian Christmas tradition? A traditional Easter meal comes complete with lamb and colomba sweet bread. Required fields are marked *. Dates vary each year, depending on what date Easter falls on. Local holidays in traditions in Italy’s biggest cities: Although there are a lot of national holidays on the Italian calendar, they’re not the only times that Italians celebrate (and, sometimes, take off work). December 31: New Year’s Eve is one of the most important celebrations in Italy; you’ll find piazzas full of strangers celebrating together at midnight with fireworks lighting up the sky! Capodanno (New Year’s Eve/ New Year’s Day, December 31st-January 1st). Capodanno (New Year’s Eve/ New Year’s Day, December 31 st -January 1 st) New Year’s celebrations begin on December 31 st … Italy holidays in 2020. While traditionally the official start of summer, now many Italians also take vacation before or after the holiday. Some sights will be open, but always double-check, since most state-run attractions (as well as stores and restaurants) will be closed. From large cities to small towns, Italians honor the patron saint of their home town each year by taking the day off and celebrating with events like parades and markets. Check in advance if you plan on being in Italy during a public holiday. Elementary schools and kindergartens usually cease the typical daily lessons and allow the children to enjoy a day-long party on school premises. taking a vacation to enjoy the start of spring weather. The traditions of Christmas in Italy are based heavily on the religion of Christianity (Catholicism), and on the Italian holiday calendar. (Discover more Christmas traditions with our guide!). It is also customary to leave some milk and cookies for Befana to enjoy. What makes Capodanno a bit different in Italy is the food: Italians have a tradition of eating lentils on New Year’s Eve, as it is believed they will bring money and good fortune in the new year. This was so helpful! The smell of roasted chestnuts on a cold late Autumn-Winter day is enough to fill your soul with pleasure. It is one of my most memorable smells of Christmas. Italians set out a large sock, or stocking, by the fireplace on the night of the 5th, so that the old woman named Befana, a female Santa Claus-like character, will come and fill it with sweets and presents – if the child was good – or charcoal – if the child was bad. Also, don’t forget to wear red undergarments, as this too will bring you luck in the coming year. Italy, Italian, Italian Culture, Italian Food, Tourism News, San Valentino's history and St. Valentine's Day, Italian habits and rituals for the New Year, The History of Carnevale and some of Italy's best Parades, Holiday celebrations, customs and traditions, “Smart working:” Italy can’t get her head around it, Anglo-Italian Covid-19 vaccine trials halted, Italy approves exemption to allow international couples to travel and meet, Italians in America: from Discrimination to Adoration (or almost). Similar to doughnuts and pastries, both are deep fried and very tasty. (Don’t miss our fun video about la befana for more!). New Year’s celebrations begin on December 31st with the standard 10-second countdown to midnight, and celebratory fireworks. (Check out our guide to the most romantic experiences in Italy for more exciting options!). March 8: If you’re in Italy in early March, you may notice yellow mimosa flowers, well, everywhere! Many Italian families like to create a nativity scene in their home, which is not as typical in America, but setting up the display could be a fun and creative project for the family, along with putting up traditional house decorations and Christmas lights. Especially in Rome, one particularly popular tradition is that of la befana, a witch on a broomstick who brings candy and coal to children in their stockings the night before. This holiday, which takes place on January 6th, is celebrated with a wonderful parade of people winding through Florence to the Piazza Duomo in Renaissance costumes to honor the arrival of the three Wise Men. I have been to Italy during Christmas. Italy is a land of history, culture, stunning natural attractions, beautiful clear seas and more. A rousing blend of fireworks, bonfires, dancing and food rings in the New Year in Italy, where December … Religious festivals in Italy typically stem from Roman Catholic origins, and … I have to do a project on Italy and this helped me get an A! The Day of the Immaculate Conception is often considered the start of the Christmas season, when lights and nativity scenes go up and world-famous Christmas markets commence. While it is associated with Roman Catholicism, it predates the church, and is, in fact, a form of ancestor worship. By using our site you accept that use. flickr/fugzu. Common Italian Holiday Traditions La Befana. The greatest feast of the ancient Roman Empire, "Saturnalia" (a winter solstice celebration), just happens to … January 1: After a long night of ringing in the new year, many Italians take January 1 off to relax, get out of town… and sleep in! Similar to an American Christmas celebration, the Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th. 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