Part of diagnosing a patient with scoliosis is further classifying the condition. Knowing the precise location of the curvature is not only important for knowing where to concentrate components of treatment, such as targeted chiropractic adjustments, but also because certain curvature locations are related to certain symptoms, and this can help guide our treatment approach moving forward. Much of this decision-making process comes down to the size of the scoliosis curve, how much growth the child might have left, and estimating the odds of whether the scoliosis curve will become bigger. In addition, active treatment helps patients maintain feelings of power and control over their condition, bodies, and lives, and this translates into a better attitude, better treatment efficacy, and improved mental health. Most cases of scoliosis are idiopathic, meaning they have no known cause. While there is a lot we don’t know about the condition, including what causes the onset of idiopathic forms, we do know that patients with growth and development yet to go through are at the highest risk of progression. While scoliosis can develop at any age, its most common form develops between the ages of 10 and 18: adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Connected to issues with balance and coordination are changes to gait. This is, again, where the ideologies governing each of the main treatment approaches differ greatly. The Risser sign can range from Stage 0 to 5, depending on how much bone has formed on the iliac crest. Mild scoliosis is a term used to categorize cases of scoliosis that the orthopedic and medical community do not believe require treatment. If you are experiencing scoliosis-related pain or other symptoms, there is no reason to suffer needlessly. normal spine has several front-to-back curves between the neck and the pelvis Here at the Center, we use multiple types of equipment that were designed specifically for reducing scoliosis. Copyright © 2020 - Scoliosis Reduction Center. For children with mild scoliosis who are still growing, doctors usually recommend close monitoring and X-rays every 4-6 months. Postural and balance based ScoliSMART training is the main focus, designed to cause a different brain-muscle communication and change muscle coordin… While most cases are mild with few symptoms, some are severe, requiring extensive treatment, even surgery. From the following X-ray images taken before and after treatment, you can see the difference that active treatment can make. For people with scoliosis, the ability to recognize the body’s positioning without visual cues can be an extra challenge, known as ‘proprioception’. However, to make sure that the curve does not get worse, the person should be examined regularly by a doctor. For children with mild scoliosis who are still growing, doctors usually recommend close monitoring and X-rays every 4-6 months. Consult with your physician to develop a personalized treatment plan. As a condition progresses, the curvature gets larger, and the more likely it is to produce adverse symptoms like pain. Treatment depends on how severe the scoliosis is and how mature the child’s bones are. Postural changes that develop during this stage are subtle, and very often, the person and their families will not notice them until progression occurs and the condition moves into the next stages: moderate and severe scoliosis. Its generally seen in childhood, but it can also come about in adulthood. But a lower Risser stage may indicate significant skeletal growth remains, and the scoliosis curve is still at risk for becoming worse. According to this study, adolescents with mild scoliosis may not seek treatment outside of an initial diagnosis, but they do experience increased pain, have more days off school, and avoid certain activities as a result. 2. The stats on mild scoliosis progression are alarming.-Mild Scoliosis has a significant risk of progression, up to 22% A randomized clinical trial of patients with mild scoliosis of 10-20 degrees has shown that scoliosis specific exercises may prevent progression to the level of deformity that would result in brace treatment… The great thing about this approach, in addition to its efficacy, is how engaged the patient is throughout the process. Even within one of those categories, such as mild scoliosis, there is a lot of variance, and no two patients will experience their condition in the exact same way, including symptoms. Symptoms of scoliosis In these types of cases, it’s pain and discomfort that brings adults in to see me, and once we do an X-ray, we can gauge the health of the spine, its intervertebral discs, and give the patient their diagnosis. The patient’s age is an important aspect of the classification process for a couple of reasons. Mild scoliosis is a term used to categorize cases of scoliosis that the orthopedic and medical community do not believe require treatment. Now that we fully understand the characteristics that classify a condition as mild, let’s take a look at why early detection can be such a challenge. See Bracing Treatment for Idiopathic Scoliosis, Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Emotional Health, How to Spot Depression in an Adolescent with Scoliosis, Scoliosis: Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery, Using a Back Brace for Lower Back Pain Relief. For children with moderate scoliosis who are still growing, doctors might recommend a brace. Even for mild scoliosis, physical therapy and exercise are often used to supplement treatment in patients with curves less than 50˚. The human spine has three main natural healthy curves. For mild scoliosis, you may not need treatment. Even if your curve has been measured below 10 degrees it still needs to be monitored for possible progression. In many cases, treatment started early in the condition’s progressive line means avoiding the hardships of reaching more severe stages, especially when severe scoliosis can come with the recommendation for spinal-fusion surgery. Mild spondylosis can often be treated with conservative options like rest, physical therapy or pain medication. Most commonly, a hard brace is prescribed to be worn full time, which is considered 16 or more hours per day. Although both boys and girls develop mild scoliosis at about the same rate, girls have a much higher risk of the curve worsening and requiring treatment. What this means is that it’s in the condition’s nature to worsen over time and that there is no known cure. Also, some children may be candidates for a nighttime brace that only needs to be worn while sleeping. So seek early assessment always. While there are multiple benefits to starting active treatment while a patient’s scoliosis is still mild, this can be particularly challenging because early detection isn’t always possible, which is why the majority of my patients are in the moderate stage. Our doctors are trained in how to treat and manage scoliosis. Information for patients & parents. Scoliosis tends to develop in late childhood. From the X-ray and exam, I would have all the condition information I need to design a treatment approach moving forward. Listen to your child’s concerns, and work with the doctor to develop a realistic strategy for wearing the brace on a daily basis. Scoliosis Treatment. For adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients, the most common method for estimating skeletal maturity is the Risser sign. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: there is no harm to reducing an already-mild curvature to even smaller, but there is most certainly harm done by simply watching while a patient’s condition progresses from mild to moderate and severe. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. For example, if an adolescent’s curve has progressed from 14 to 20 degrees, some doctors might start bracing whereas others might continue to observe. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. In most cases early intervention will significantly reduce or even eliminate risk of progression while reducing existing mild scoliosis often to single digits. However, depending on several factors like gender, bone maturity, curve pattern, severity of the curve as well location of the curve, one may choose to undergo treatment with either braces or surgery after consulting with a doctor. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine (backbone). Mild Scoliosis Treatment Options. Girls have a much higher risk of progression than do boys. Age is also important because it helps indicate likely symptoms that might be part of the patient’s scoliosis experience, such as pain, and this leads us into why early detection of mild scoliosis can be difficult, which we will return to. Our integrative approach combines multiple treatment disciplines. Improving mild scoliosis. Corrective bracing - for those who have done their due diligence in researching scoliosis treatment, they have likely come across the reference to bracing as a component of treatment. If you’re an adult with degenerative scoliosis, your doctor might recommend physical therapy, stretches, and exercises to help you build up your strength. In women, changes to hormone levels and bone density due to menopause can also play a role. More good news: the vast majority of children with scoliosis (abnormal sideways curvature of the spine) have such a mild case that it does not need active treatment. I can tell a lot about my patients’ conditions by how they walk. For children who are estimated to have significant growth remaining but still relatively mild scoliosis curves, the treatment choices are between the following two: 1. As is also the case with moderate and severe scoliosis, there are two main scoliosis-treatment approaches for mild scoliosis: traditional and functional. Specific exercises, called physiotherapy scoliosis-specific exercise (PSSE), are used to correct posture, strengthen muscles, improve breathing, and stabilize and straighten the spine. Based on a measurement known as ‘Cobb angle’, the patient’s scoliosis is classified as mild, moderate, or severe. Mild scoliosis is classified by a curve measuring between 10-25 degrees. At a Cobb angle measurement of 10 - 25 degrees, this is classified as ‘mild scoliosis’. Mild scoliosis treatment has traditionally consisted of monitoring or the 'wait and see' approach. If I saw some indicators, I would order a scoliosis X-ray to take actual measurements and confirm that structural scoliosis is present. If the Cobb angle measured at more than 10 degrees, but less than 25, and included rotation, I would sit down with the patient, and their family, and give them their diagnosis of mild scoliosis. With the article of 8 ways on how to treat scoliosis in naturally in adults and children, hope that you all understand more about scoliosis symptoms along with its treatment. Most patients with scoliosis have mild forms of the condition that are easily treatable with conservative treatment. Scoliosis-specific exercises (SSEs) - for a long time, it was questioned just where and if exercise fit into scoliosis treatment; we have since learned that scoliosis-specific exercises, when done correctly and customized to a patient’s condition, can be extremely effective. In some cases, observation and home exercises are sufficient to correct a spinal curve. A mention should also be given to adults and mild scoliosis pain. Let’s also not forget that in AIS, there is the possibility that adolescents wouldn’t share the discovery of any bodily changes they don’t understand or feel sets them apart from their peers. Remember, there is no harm to being assessed needlessly, but there is harm done by not being proactive and leaving a condition to progress undiagnosed and unimpeded. So let’s say an adult comes in to see me because of back pain, and I diagnose them with mild scoliosis with a Cobb angle measurement of 24 degrees. Parents can play a big role to help their children wear the brace as directed. About Scoliosis – causes, symptoms, treatment. As we mentioned how AIS makes up 80 percent of known diagnosed cases, you might be wondering what the other 20 percent is. As AIS is the condition’s most common form, it’s this age group that faces the biggest risk for rapid progression. You can see, by looking at the below X-ray images taken before and after treatment, just how effective our functional approach can be; here, the patient’s curvature has been  reduced and improved upon the postural asymmetries caused by the condition. Following are some additional postural changes associated with mild scoliosis: The way clothing hangs on a body can be a good indicator of any asymmetries present. IL, As previously mentioned, scoliosis is progressive, and this means that it is virtually guaranteed to get worse over time, if left untreated. While this can be very frightening for someone recently diagnosed to hear, I remind patients and their families that while we might not be able to cure it, we have many resources at our disposal to help us treat and manage it effectively. - Contact Us, - Understanding the Boston Brace: Benefits and Alternatives. For mild and moderate cases, other than monitoring, and possibly bracing, there is typically nothing done in the form of active treatment, until the patient’s degree of curvature reaches the surgical threshold. When the discs that sit between the vertebrae of the spine start to degrade, this can cause slippage to occur, and the spine can start to gradually bend out of alignment and develop scoliosis as a result. Painkilling tablets may help relieve the pain that can be associated with scoliosis. In these cases, our treatment goal is to reduce the abnormal curvature back to where it was before it starting producing noticeable symptoms like back and muscle pain. Scoliosis is more likely to get worse while your bones are still growing. Mild Scoliosis in Adolescents. As discussed, it’s not always easy to diagnose AIS, and it’s not uncommon for adolescents to grow and develop with their scoliosis in tow, until growth stops in adulthood, the condition becomes painful, and this is what brings them in to see me for a diagnosis. If you would like to learn more about our proactive functional treatment approach here at the Center, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can see how, even slow progression, has a cumulative effect that can equal up to a large abnormal spinal curvature. version.2020.07.019-2020.07.003, Cobb Angle Measurement and Treatment Guidelines, When a Teen with Scoliosis Won’t Wear a Back Brace, Bracing Treatment for Idiopathic Scoliosis, Sciatica Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatic Nerve Muscle Innervation and Function, Lower Back Pain Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Factors to be considered include: 1. In fact, approximately 20 percent of adolescents report feelings of muscle pain, and as progression continues, this is only likely to get worse. Idiopathic scoliosis is a type of structural scoliosis that often presents during adolescence.Read Types of Scoliosis. In addition, it is custom manufactured based on each patient’s curvature type, body type, and level of spinal flexibility. To answer the question clearly, no surgeon is going to perform spinal fusion on a person with mild scoliosis because not only would it be unnecessary, it would mean exposing that patient to all the potential risks, complications, and costs associated with the surgery. Traditional treatment: in the traditional approach, the reaction is passive. The information is produced and reviewed by over 200 medical professionals with the goal of providing trusted, uniquely informative information for people with painful health conditions. Scoliosis is a difficult condition to talk about in general terms; this is because it ranges so much in severity from mild to moderate and severe. Typically, observation is recommended when the curve is less than 25 degrees. With scoliosis, the spine rotates and develops a side-to-side curve. Most parents prefer to attack a health problem head on whenever possible and utilize less invasive interventions before more invasive methods are needed later in on the case of a progressive scoliosis. Deerfield, Treatment for mild spondylosis. With some hard work and patience, we can help these mild-scoliosis patients avoid the hardships of the moderate and severe stages of progression altogether. The good news is that advances in treatment have allowed for better success rates, making surgery a successful option for patients with scoliosis. Scoliosis surgery also comes with some heavy side effects such as reduced flexibility, and it’s not uncommon for patients to report an increase in scoliosis-related pain post surgery. ... treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. For now, let’s stick to the benchmarks for classifying a condition. It can affect people of any age, from babies to adults, but most often starts in children aged 10 to 15. Mild scoliosis treatment almost always begins with conservative treatments like exercise, medical observation, and physical therapies specifically designed to improve core strength and strengthen the muscles that support the spine. Some children grow out of scoliosis. For example, see if the brace can be removed for certain activities that are important to your child, such as dance class or a sports team. 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